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The Bay State Independents have spoken, along with some disgruntled Dems. This is a huge victory for America's center-right majority, who want common sense change; not Commie, borrow from the Chinese, change. Americans are tired of big government and it's never ceasing appetite for more of our's and our children'... 10 Feb 2010 21:25
HAITI EARTHQUAKE MEMORIAL POEM = 2010 Sorrow is better than laughter For by grieving, we're improved. Blessed be all who morn Till from sadness they're removed. After death our souls shall fly Perhaps from star to star Reaching our destination To find Heaven’s gate ajar. God made us able to cry Sorr... 14 Jan 2010 15:52
Golf on a bad knee.........
Played 9 holes today, walking on a soggy course where most tee shots plugged. It will likely be my last round until after knee surgery in a couple of weeks. Amazingly, hit some really good shots and enjoyed the day, but will enjoy getting my knee repaired even more. ---� : the next generation of web-newsreader... 29 Dec 2009 06:27
Problem with Bushnell Yardage Pro GPS
I'm on my 3rd one of these. Bushnell provided number 2 when the first one I bought failed and number 3 when number 2 failed. I guess that tells you something about the quality of the product. I can tell you that the set-up was ridiculously difficult. The documentation that came with it frankly stunk. The pro... 24 Dec 2009 06:27
Best golf psychology books Listmania! The list author says: "Knowledge and training in the mental game of golf can help you stop being your own worst enemy on the golf course. Mental training techniques can help you learn and perform better, score better and enjoy your golf experience more fully. Here is my list of the best men... 17 Dec 2009 16:00
Was Pitts right?
Okay, so a broken clock is right twice a day. But the question does have to be asked, was Tiger's behavior, much of which Pitts found so objectionable, and indication of a larger attitude problem? Was his on course out burst a "firery competitor", or a "self possess jock"? Was his intense interest in privacy, and... 25 Dec 2009 18:02
Palin's Book Being Sold "AT BELOW COST" Prices
Before all the wrong thinking righties get all wet and gooey over the falin palin person's entrance into the world of "best seller," here is an interesting tidbit showing perhaps why. Oh, the rush-lump called it one of the most inspirational books he ever read. Another reason to tell kids to stay away from drugs an... 4 Dec 2009 10:42
Palin's book on top at amazon
On 19 Nov, 01:34, "Frank Ketchum" <nos...(a)> wrote: Would have been more impressive if it wasn't being shifted at half price... ... 22 Nov 2009 16:07
STARTING NOW! ... 29 Oct 2009 17:41
New Group
Why don't we solve all of the bitching right here and now? Somebody form a second group called and then those of use who wish to talk about golf interlaced with non-golf topics (politics, current events, what I did last weekend, etc) can go there and hang. When we only want advice t... 29 Oct 2009 21:03
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